Save The Corona Riverside CA Bicentennial Freedom Mural Update

Advertisement :- I was hit by a deep sense of inspiration as I drove by the Bicentennial Mural in its vandalized and compromised condition: Click here for more info:

Though the process of organizing and funding this project was slowed down recently, it is enthusiastically supported by the public and surrounding communities as you can see in this quick video.

We ask you to help the approval process for the project to move forward by sending out good vibes!!! Pass this link along to others, give the YouTube copy a thumbs up and leave lots of comments! Let’s show the Army Corp of Engineers that this is a hot topic that the public favors. The stats from these postings have been presented in the past hearings. Let your bells of freedom ring!! Be heard!!

Questions? Call Scott M. Haskins, Project Mural Conservator 805 570 4140


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