1976 Patriotic Freedom Mural Restoration


News From Corona-Riverside, CA Bicentennial Freedom Mural Restoration Proposal Update – just a quick drive by


Corona Riverside, CA Bicentennial Freedom Mural Restoration Proposal Update – just a quick drive by.


The planned mural restoration of what many believe is the largest mural in the world on the Prado Dam is wildly favored, endorsed and applauded by the 5 communities that surround the Corona, Riverside, CA areas. If you follow this blog or other our social media you may know that I’ve been active as the Expert Witness for the effort to put legal pressure on the Army Corp of Engineers and others who need some legal prodding to approve the restoration of the monumental and highly significant public art that more than 500,000 a day drive by and clearly see.



Over the years of arguing about saving the patriotic message, the stories of inspiration that have been expressed in court/hearings, on social media and in interviews from the mural’s message are innumerable


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About 2 years ago, in that public discussion process, I was recognized as THE project’s expert professional art/mural conservator by the attorneys, the Army and the communities and I was named as the head of the team for the restoration of the mural. The instigating rebel artist for the painting of the original mural back in 1976 and now, 45 years later its restoration, is Ron Kammeyer and today, as I was driving past the mural on this beautiful summer day, I called Ron to tell him that I was deeply moved that this message of our nation’s celebration of personal freedoms was as inspirational and as badly needed as it ever was. It certainly fulfills its purpose to remind us in a BIG way. It’s worth every effort we can muster to get its preservation approved and ensured for future generations!


Though the process of organizing and funding this project was slowed down recently, it is enthusiastically supported by the public and surrounding communities as you can see in this quick video.


Ron tells me the project is moving forward!


We ask you to help the approval process for the project to move forward by sending out good vibes!!!


Pass this link along to others, give the YouTube copy a thumbs up and leave lots of comments! Let’s show the Army Corp of Engineers that this is a hot topic that the public favors. The stats from these postings have been presented in the past hearings. Let your bells of freedom ring!! Be heard!!


Questions: Call Scott M. Haskins 805 570 4140 faclartdoc@gmail.com


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