10 Essential Tips for Trinidad and Tobago Filmmakers

1.     Ensure that EVERYONE is on-board and aware – Before a single minute of footage is shot, and a page of script is thrown away, everyone should have an idea of what their role is in relation to your movie, in addition to what your film is about and what your overall vision for the film is.

2.     Make sure you have enough money/battery life on your phone – On the day of a film shoot, the last thing you want to worry about is where your cast and crew members are. And in Trinidad & Tobago, it’s HIGHLY possible that someone will – whether intentionally or unintentionally – show up late. If your film shoot begins at a particular time, make sure to message or call your cast and crew members at least 3-4 hours in advance. That way, the possibility of everyone arriving in time for the shoot will be greater than starting the shoot late because someone was either stuck in traffic or experienced difficulty getting transport to go to the film set.

3.     Know how to cook or know someone who can – On a film set, we may feel like robots. But at the end of the day, or after 12 p.m., we’re reminded of our humanity by the growling of our stomachs. Without the promise of food, a hungry cast and crew becomes more and more angry with every passing minute. If you don’t want to buy chicken-n-chips or doubles for your team, have a pot of food prepared for them to eat during lunch break. If you’re not a good cook (regardless of how much salt you put into your food), or you can’t cook at all, get your mother, grandmother, aunt, friend, neighbour or even your father (if he has time, of course) to cook for you. You’ll save time and money, both of which can be invested into your project.

4.     Rehearse before the shoot  Nothing slows down a day of filming than reminding actors of their lines, subtext behind their lines, character motivations, etc. Before the actual day of shooting, or at least an hour or two before the film shoot begins, do a quick rehearsal of all the scenes to be shot with your cast. Don’t spoon-feed them however. They should have some knowledge of what their character is supposed to do before you even yell “Action”.

5.     Assemble the right cast and crew – Before you even place the camera on a tripod, find people that are skilled, resourceful, quick-thinking, passionate about their craft, and determined to work as hard as possible to make your film as good as it can be.

6.     For the rest of the list, learn more here at Diamond Films Limited :- http://diamondfilmsltd.com/10-essential-tips-for-trinidad-and-tobago-filmmakers/

filmmaking film independent trinidad and tobago caribbean essentials top 10 movie


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