Why Are Leading Organizations Choosing Philanthropy As Their CSR Strategy?


As every decade is an era of its own, our today’s world is shaping up to be one of the fastest-paced. Yet, there is a growing ‘woke’ culture being built and brought to the forefront of our societies. Societal issues are discussed and debated blatantly and the various stakeholders involved make their demands loud and clear. It has become easier than ever to form opinions and the brands that don’t keep up are either left out of the conversation, not in vogue anymore or even canceled! 



From small businesses to multinational corporations, every company is being increasingly treated as an individual. Corporations are expected to have ethics and values in place along with a cumulative empathy for the society and environment they function in. Many corporations as the first call to action opted to set up corporate social responsibility strategies. 



Although the concept of CSR isn’t new, the number of ways in which a company can go about implementing the strategy has increased drastically. CSR is a corporate program that ensures a company's ethical, sustainable development, and social impact objectives are met. It can help to improve how your organization is viewed and approached, as well as communicate your firm's larger goals with the rest of the world if executed correctly.



Dissecting Corporate Philanthropy

Philanthropy is a concept that derives from ancient Greece and literally translates to "passion for humanity." Previously, this practice was limited to large donations from business moguls. With time the concept grew from a donation-based concept to a richer and deeper framework that corporations began including in their social efforts.



The term "corporate philanthropy" refers to the programs and efforts that companies make to better the lives of others. The word refers to charity gifts made to nonprofits and other community organizations, as well as partnerships formed with them. These contributions can come in the form of money, commodities, or volunteer time.



Our economy is currently purpose-driven. As a result, businesses are increasingly considering their social purpose, values, and influence in addition to their profit. Furthermore, customers prefer to conduct business with companies that are driven by a social mission and prioritize enhancing their societal effect. According to Harvard research, organizations with a strong sense of purpose outperform the market by 5-7 percent per year.



Philanthropy is frequently the most cost-effective approach for a business to improve its competitive position, as it allows businesses to benefit from the efforts and infrastructure of nonprofits and other organizations. For example, contributing to a university could be a much less expensive approach to building a local foundation of advanced talents in a company's industry than providing training in-house. 



While corporate philanthropy can take many forms, one of the most common ways for businesses to contribute to a charity is through loyalty reward programs. This entails noting the amount of money donated by the employees. Then multiplying, doubling, or tripling the amount. Take, for example, Apple. Apple has donated more than $50 million to charities and non-profits since Tim Cook became CEO.



Why corporate philanthropy programs are gaining popularity


Philanthropy programs tend to proactively involve employees leading them to form deeper relationships and boost employee engagement. This has a direct correlation with improving productivity and profits. Gallup research shows that teams with strong employee engagement are 21 percent more productive than those without.



The second major advantage of corporate philanthropy is that it enhances your company's reputation among staff, consumers, clients, partners, and the general public. The greater good you offer, the more positive your brand will be perceived. You also increase the chances that your audience will associate your business with positive social causes.



Businesses are witnessing a surge in demands for companies to pay attention to corporate responsibility, specifically, philanthropy. Employees evaluate the success of their professions and the companies for which they work in terms of advancement and good impact on the world. To attract and retain top-notch talent, companies are adopting ways to help their employees make impactful contributions to society. 



Another reason for philanthropy’s popularity is that it not only aids in the recruitment of new employees but also helps in attracting a customer base. People will spend more with brands that support causes, specifically the cause they care about, according to studies. When faced with a choice between two brands of comparable value, 90% of buyers will choose the cause-branded goods.



By creating a corporate philanthropy program that encourages employees to participate, you will also be able to reap these rewards. For increased results, allow employees to choose the organizations they wish to support, launch crowd funding campaigns, and engage in paid volunteer work to increase their influence.


In conclusion, Because of philanthropy's broad social advantages, businesses are frequently able to form collaborations with nonprofit organizations and governments that might otherwise be leery of collaborating on projects that benefited only one corporation. A firm can produce even more social benefit in increasing grantee performance than other donors by linking corporate philanthropy to their business and strategy.


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