Virtual Staffing In 2021 & Beyond


Many aspects of life have changed because of COVID, from the on-demand ordering blitz of groceries and just about anything — to how small businesses are hiring their staff. There are a vast amount of reasons to why businesses are choosing to hire virtual staff. And the concept of a virtual staff is only being accelerated because of the pandemic. As a business owner, imagine being able to reduce office space overhead, hire from a larger pool of talent and further save by hiring outside of the country. This is what businesses are realizing and starting to delegate for their social media, sales and admin related work. If you’re asking whether a virtual staff is the right decision for your business, you’ve come to the right article to break it down.


A virtual staff is only being accelerated because of the pandemic.


Advantages to hiring virtually

Not all the advantages to hiring a virtual staff are crystal clear and don’t materialize until you’ve actually tried. Let’s start with the clear:


  • Cost efficient at $9–13/hr for experienced virtual staff
  • Reducing office lease overhead with less space required
  • Large large talent pool that’s not confined to your area


Now for the not-so-clear:

  • Less stress and more focus on scaling your business
  • Confidently have OOO days knowing you have an assistant handling your calendar, inbox and more
  • Diverse ideas when hiring staff from all over the world


Types of virtual staff


Whether you need help managing your social media account or getting to the coveted inbox-zero, there are many types of virtual staff. To make it easy, below is a list of the types of virtual staff and what they can do for your business.


Social Marketing

  • Content Creation
  • Video Editing
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube
  • Social Engagement
  • SEO and Blogs


Sales & Booking

  • Prospecting
  • Lead Generation
  • Email Campaigns
  • Drip Campaigns
  • Cold Calling
  • Receptionist
  • Appointment Setting
  • Website Upkeep


General Admin

  • Email management
  • Vendor management
  • Financial Tracking
  • Bookkeeping
  • Reporting
  • Calendar Management
  • Client Satisfaction
  • Client Follow-up


That’s quite a hefty list you may say but that’s because there’s a virtual assistant for just about any task you can think of. When interviewing, make sure you ask where their strengths lie and if they can confidently complete the specific tasks you want to offload from your plate.


Looking forward

As we move beyond a pandemic-ridden world, there are many new norms of life that will remain the same or continue to grow exponentially. Virtual staff is a sector that will continue growing as businesses reap the advantages of this style of hiring. We’re seeing it firsthand at Berry Virtual with the hundreds of clients we’re staffing in many different business verticals. Our clients are experiencing the benefits of delegating the work that once took up precious time in their days. If you’re a business owner, the biggest question should be how you can scale the quickest - most efficiently. If you’re working on monotonous tasks that can be delegated, perhaps a virtual staff is right for you.


Berry Virtual provides businesses with experienced virtual staff to help with social marketing, sales, admin and more.


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