How to Style Your Bedroom with The French Concept of Apprivoise


Apprivoise means ‘to tame’ in the French language. Taming something generally indicates submissiveness and domestication. In common terms, it usually implies ‘torturing’ or ‘controlling’ someone. But, in the French language, Apprivoise means to connect. In this world of building walls, it is an act of building bridges to link people. If any unknown person comes to your school, it is the act of making them feel wanted and welcome. It is an act of forming a bond with them. Apprivoise means to make a bond with someone who is unknown. When you meet someone for the first time, you are always strangers. Slowly, you begin to unravel your inner selves. You share endearing moments, and become close to each other. And, a bond is formed. You love each other and build it up through small moments of closeness and connection. You can design our bedrooms so that it has a really warm and cozy vibe.





Most of the French homes have a balcony attached to their bedroom. Most people enjoy a glass of wine or two and look at the roads from their balcony. You can observe nature and all the people around you. It helps to promote apprivoise. If you stay locked up in a room, without any interaction with the outside world, it’s really harmful for your mental state. Even for introverts, it is necessary to get a little sun once in a while. Contrary to popular belief, introverts don’t enjoy small talk, but would apprivoise over the most random topics if given the atmosphere.






A signature trademark of French homes is long flowy curtains with huge sliding windows. This looks very inviting. To give your room an artsy touch, you can have white embroidered or lacy curtains. Keep some printed cushions on your bed to make it look more inviting. Open those windows and let those god vibes rush in!





Having a cluttered bedroom will disrupt your calm. You must clean that space. You can choose organic cotton bed sheets as an alternative to those polyester and mixed cotton ones. They are made naturally and free from synthetic additives. The key to incorporate more apprivoise in your life is to go for more plant-based products. They are safer and help the environment.





Having more greens in your room is an excellent start. It makes the air in your room clean and breathable, not to mention how cute they look. Being a plant mom, you have responsibilities. It makes you grow as a person. So, when you see a stranger, you make them feel welcome, instead of shying away.





Monotonous and warm tones are a characterizing feature in French homes. It looks very cozy. And, it also has that autumnal fall charm. The French don’t like to over-do things. They prefer natural charm over artificiality. So, your walls should be simple. You can never go wrong with warm neutral tones. Add to that a small swing set, and you have the perfect charm of a French house in your bedroom. You can add a collage of your memories, some string lights to make it even more cozy.



The French have their own style. They are known to never rush through their meals, but savor them. They enjoy their meals for a long time, catching up with their friends and family in the meantime. This is an excellent way to apprivoise. It’s necessary to take off your headphones and take in your surroundings sometimes!



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