Outdoor LED Display Installed By Pixcom in Duabi, UAE


http://pixcom.ae/kinetic-display-system/ :- Installed 6 Outdoor LED displays at Dubai World Trade Center. An example of our kinetic solution is blocks of display screens in a tower structure which attract the attention of visitors, especially in malls, airport, indoor stadiums etc.  changing the way you interact with customers through innovation. It is a unique customized combination of industrial kinetic robot and a large LED screen for an exceptional display in indoor premises. Our outdoor kinetic structures has a powerful capability to interact with your customers in a unique way . Our kinetic sculptures are capable of enhancing commercial spaces and impressing visitors. Our team of creative minds, solution engineers, project managers and in-house general contractors guide projects during design, fabrication and installation to deliver a brand solution with a true value exchange with their audiences while they’re moving.


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