The Whiteboard Shop Offers Free Delivery on All Products


The Whiteboard Shop has shocked online retail outlets by offering free delivery for their products. The Whiteboard Shop has taken a brave move of upsetting the online retail world by removing the delivery charge from all of their whiteboard products. The leading whiteboard retailer does not believe that any of their customers should be forced to pay for a delivery charge, increasing the price for any products they buy from their site. Retail experts have described this as a brave move but it is unlikely to force other retailers to follow them and remove the cost of delivering goods that have been purchased online.

The online Whiteboard and Noticeboard shop have become the consumer’s first choice for high quality whiteboards at low prices; they believe that no customer who shops online should be forced to pay for a delivery charge. The Whiteboard Shop believe that consumers shop online want to grab themselves a bargain but when a delivery charge is added to that purchase, the bargain becomes less of a bargain and becomes higher priced and is more inline with high street prices.

A spokesman for the Whiteboard Shop said: “We feel it is very strange charging customers for delivery who come online to find cheaper deals. It makes the cost of the item more expensive. We have made it our policy to pass on savings to the customer and help make our products cheaper.”

The Whiteboard shop have seen a huge increase in the number of parents buying whiteboards to use at home for their children’s education, are determined to pass on all the savings to the customer to make their products even more lower in price. Through their commitment to keeping whiteboard prices low, they have become the company businesses and consumers turn to when looking for a quality low priced whiteboard.

The online Whiteboard and Noticeboard shop offer a whole range of products that all come with free delivery, this includes Whiteboards, Noticeboards and Display Products. To learn more about The Whiteboard Shop and their low priced products, please visit The Whiteboard Shop


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