What Should I Know Before Choosing Eye Lasik Care Abroad


How to Choose an Eye/LASIK Surgery Abroad

Eye surgeries are (usually) elective procedures which aim to improve the sight of the patient through surgical intervention. In some cases, the procedure is necessary, but mostly it is done by choice. The LASIK surgeries are the advanced form of eye surgeries which have been around for some time.

The importance of choosing a good surgery package is that the consequences of a botched eye surgery can make the patient’s sight even worse or they can result in total blindness instead of near-perfect vision.

When choosing an eye surgery, you have two options:
-Find local LASIK surgeries – If you live in a more developed country, finding a LASIK surgery somewhere near might be no trouble at all. Local LASIK surgeries are preferred because it takes a week or two to recover from the surgery and it is much better to spend that time at home than travelling.

-Find LASIK surgery abroad – However, if you live in a less developed country, it might happen that there is no possibility for you to have the surgery in it. This is when people decide to travel in order to get better eyesight. It is also possible to find cheaper surgery packages abroad, depending on the country.
Whatever you choose out of these two, it is important to carefully choose the surgeon and the clinic where the surgery will be performed. Your sight is nothing to play with and you should always look to have the best possible service. You can only be sure that you will if you carefully examine all the possibilities and make an informed decision.  

How to make an informed decision?
The only way to make an informed decision is through research and comparison. The more you know about different eye surgeons and surgery packages, the easier it will be to compare them. Once you have all the information about different options, compare them against one another and choose the one which seems to be the best for you.

What to look for when researching eye surgery clinics?
  • Qualifications and experience – It is of vital importance to know how trained the staff that will be working on your eyes is. Nowadays, all that information can be found online. Make sure to check their qualifications and where they studied, as well as whether they were taking part in conferences and symposia related to the field. For someone to be performing LASIK surgeries, they have to be up-to-date with the latest developments in the field.
  • Pricing and inclusions – LASIK surgeries are usually elective procedures, which means that they are rarely covered by medical insurance. This means that you will probably have to compare prices and treatment packages. When looking at the packages check all the inclusions and exclusions and then decide whether the price adds up. This can also be the tool to compare one treatment package against another. 
  • Check the facilities – LASIK surgeries are the latest development in the field of eye surgery, which means that a clinic where it is performed has to have state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure. This can be visible in the pictures and videos of the clinic and you will be able to compare one clinic against another.

Questions to ask before booking
Does the staff at the eye clinic have all the certifications and qualifications to perform the surgery? – Eye surgeons have to go through specialization after they finish their medical degree. It is important to see where they have finished their specialization, as well as how up to date they are with the new developments in the field. This can be seen through certificates of participation in various conferences and symposia that they have, if they have such things listed.

How much will the surgery cost me? – The cost will vary on the experience of the surgeon and the country where the clinic is located. Always check the price and don’t always fall for the lowest one. Be sure to check what is included before deciding.

How much will other expenses, like travel and stay, cost me? – Surgery package will show the price only for the surgery and its related costs, such as checkups and use of the clinic’s facilities. They usually do not cover transportation and stay for the duration of the recovery. These are on you to arrange and pay for. Before choosing, add these costs to the cost of the package and see whether it works out or not.

What do former patients have to say? – If possible, try to find someone who has already done this procedure and hear what they have to say. If the clinic is abroad, then this might be a bit harder, but there are other options as well. See if you can find any reviews or patient testimonials (it is unwise to trust media outlets, as they can convey misinformation) and hear them out. They have already done it, so they might have some useful information to share.

When choosing an eye surgery, just like with most other procedures, you have to be really careful about who you choose to do it and where it will be done. Botched eye surgeries bring nothing but grief to the patients that experience them, aside from leaving them without sight. This is why it is extremely important to choose well and to choose wisely. We are always here to aid you in your decision-making process in any way that we are able to.

For more details checkout also this keyword here: Lasik Care, Eye Treatment Abroad, PlacidWay

If you need help choosing an eye/LASIK surgery or you wish to find out more about what we offer in that field, feel free to contact us!

9800 Mount Pyramid Court, Suite 400,
Englewood, Colorado 80112
United States
Phone: +1-303-500-3821
Email : info@placidway.com


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