can certainly replace opiates to relieve the pain following surgery. It
might do so in the future, but allowing for some cautions, it can do so
in most situations and jurisdictions, such treatment is not recommended
as an authorized protocol. Individual anecdotal reports emphasize the effectiveness of cannabis in treating post-operative pain, but little research exists to satisfy medical practitioners or their oversight.
What’s the problem?
Many barriers stand in the way of letting cannabis replace opiates.
Socially Acceptable:
it or not, your illness is a social event. Friends and family members
all have something to say about your treatment, and most of their advice
is at odds with approved medical practice.
your care is at the mercy of old wives’ tales, you won’t be able to
assemble an effective recovery regimen. So, you’re better advised to
coordinate your care with providers whom you know and trust.
Medical Research:
United States effectively prevents acceptable and productive research
on cannabis. It controls authorization of cannabis growing for research
and permission to conduct university level studies.
studies have been ex vivo, conducted on isolated cells. Only a few have
been run in vivo, conducted on whole living organisms from tadpoles to
Legal Status:
is a Schedule 1 drug under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). In the
DEA’s view, it is ranked alongside heroin, LSD, Mescaline, Ecstasy, and
other powerful hallucinogenic.
status makes it difficult, although possible, to access and obtain.
But, as important, it prevents researchers and universities from
securing the financial grants and underwriting for the necessary medical
Addictive Opiates:
opiates typically prescribed for post-operative pain come with their
own problems. For too many doctors and patients, the first option for
pain relief fall in the class of opiates. Prescriptions for hydrocodone,
oxycodone, and oxycontin clearly do relieve pain.
the deepest and most severe pain following the most intrusive surgery,
they may be the best treatment. But, given the serious side-effects and
potential for addiction, more doctors look to non-opioid alternatives in
pain management.
Nancy A. Melville reports in Medscape on
an increase in interest is “multimodal” pain management such as
reducing the opiate intake with a complementary acetaminophen.
Pharmaceutical Research:
manufacturers are working on effective medications derived from
cannabis, its oils, extracts, and concentrates. There is an obviously
large market for such “legitimate” medications as distinct from medical
of research restrictions in the U.S., most of this research is underway
in Israel and the U.K. This work depends on capital investment that is
currently unreliable and inconsistent at best until those investors have
some confidence in the efficacy of the products, patience with the
testing protocols, and belief in the market demand.
Advocacy Clarity:
as cannabis advocacy may be, they complicate problems with convenient
classifications. That is, medical cannabis interests differ from medical
marijuana interests. It does not serve the cause well to confuse the
marijuana has been approved in some states for treatment of chronic
pain. It permits authorized patients to smoke marijuana or consume
marijuana-laced edibles. Some jurisdictions limit medical treatment to
cannabis derivatives, and that excludes smoking and edibles. So,
“medical marijuana” means different things to different people, and this
can get in the way of securing the relief you need.
Pain Management:
committed to pain management are involved in a complex of interests.
Their work is heavily regulated and monitored by authorities. They are
involved with insurance companies, Medicare, and Medicaid.
some medical practitioners have conflicted interests in the
pharmaceutical industry that is solidly opposed to legalization of
marijuana. The most frequently prescribed opiates are manufactured by
just a few companies.
Lack of Alternatives:
degree of pain is a function of several things. It depends on the
degree of surgery. When post-operative care requires hospitalization,
there is a risk of infection and chance for medical professionals to
observe and monitor the pain.
patients with shoulder replacements, knee replacements, and other
out-patient surgeries leave with considerable pain. Most physicians will
prescribe a non-refillable week of extra strength NSAIDs or
Acetaminophen. Absent other alternatives for severe pain, they prescribe
What’s the solution?
In an interview on National Public Radio (NPR),
Naomi Gingold remarked, “the public often thinks bad pain requires
opioids, but opioids don't cure pain. They mitigate some of the
distress. Certain kinds of pain they do nothing for, can even make it
worse. And by themselves, they are not a long-term solution. But
patients who are still hurting can think more is better and overdose.”
That’s worth repeating. Opioids do not cure pain. They do fool the brain’s pain center at the cost of numbing other systems.
cannabis advocates make no claim that it will cure pain. But, certain
strains will impact a complex of human systems relieving the perception
of pain, distracting the psycho active centers, relaxing the
musculature, and calming stress and anxiety.
better path for those experiencing severe and/or chronic pain following
surgery is a combination of therapies customized to the patient. These
therapies might include;
- Biofeedback to train patients to foresee and control symptoms.
- Hypnotic therapy can function as an analgesic helping patients visualize their pain and its origin.
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a continuing psychological approach to understand pain and how it manifests itself in behavior. The therapist and patient discuss the case and its results on an effort to develop coping mechanisms.
- Physical Therapy directed at repair and restoration of tissue and musculature or on intervention in areas of pain and inflammation.
- Meditation as a behavior or spiritual exercise to distract the mind and neurology from the pain and related stress.
- Alternate treatments through massage and acupuncture have been effective for many patients.
and patients who want to avoid the risks and penalties of opiate
treatment for pain, a strategy that blends and integrates therapies
should increasingly allow for effective help from selective medical
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