A Discussion on Online Economics Learning: The Dilemma of Ethical Perspectives


The current surveys amongst students learning economics through a longitudinal survey by many educational researchers state that the acceptance and usage of online tools to learn than being dependent on offline resources such as peer learning, speaking with professors and depending on physical research. These research results have triggered many questions amongst concerned parents and socio-educational enthusiasts. While economics specifically is a study of needs and their satisfaction through means or ways of exchange, the students learning it are prone to be affected by the fact that they experience through these online learning usage scenarios that direct human relationships are lesser resources than virtual ones.
This usage may lead to a specific negative approach in the real time application of economics that these students are supposed and expected to implement in their real lives after finishing college. Though these arguments on the issue of the virtual world affecting the real one can be associated with every computerized usage and application such as ‘children and gaming apps’ issues or ‘social media addiction amongst adults’ the expansion of this trend to education of economics graduates through the use of economics homework help websites. 

This idea is however dissuaded by the users of online information and virtual peers on a different perspective altogether. Some students argue ‘Would there be complaints that we do not use a pen and a paper anymore than writing in a word processer?’ implicating that sites offering microeconomics homework help for example are just better tools like a word processor is to physical writing tools. Though this argument can be waged all day long, the reality of initiative being taken against such action of more dependency towards virtual learning is next to nothing.

This may be due to the fact that almost all universities and colleges are now providing virtual class rooms and online learning tools like podcasts, online lectures, discussions and even open book exams through online websites. If the classroom and lectures are being made virtual, the homework assistance could be a virtual one as well. However, the questions of virtue on these virtual learning scenarios play more significance towards academic honesty and the adherence of these assistance services to the same. 

Many colleges and universities are constantly waging content right cases and legal disputes on basis of academic honesty being compromised by some of the online services offering educational assistance. However, the services such as online macroeconomics homework help or tutoring services often attest to only be of the same level of assistance that a peer may have been than assisting in breaking the academic honesty policies. This argument cannot be shoved aside since asking an educated neighbor to help solve a homework question or asking someone online to do it are all the same in effect and cannot be called malpractice since learning is involved in the process of getting the answers solved. Yet many educational researchers, teachers, parents and student welfare groups are anxious about these new and quickly spreading practices of online learning systems and sites offering the service.

Please visit ScholarAnswer.com for any economics homework help related questions.


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