Smoke Damage on Art, Collectibles, Heirlooms and Antiques – Tips For Making An Insurance Claim – Smoke Damaged Oil Painting

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Posted on Jan 15, 2025 by Scott M. Haskins

Insurance companies need to find the right people, “Expert Brokers” for specialized claims, like art... especially if your claim is being handled by an "Independent Adjuster."  An independent adjuster that consults with us as needed, out of Orange, CA, was asked to write this review up for you, given the “journey” we went on together to look in on a widow out in St. George, Utah who had a fire and lots of smoke damage. You will benefit greatly by following his advice. His tips are “gold.”

Scott M. Haskins, Art Conservator

Smoke Damage on Collectibles, Heirlooms and Antiques – Tips For Making An Insurance Claim


This article will help you discover a few valuable tips for making a successful insurance claim for damaged artwork, antiques, memorabilia, heirlooms and collectibles etc. which are exposed to smoke. I am a professional fine art insurance claims expert and I broker the expert services needed by the insurance companies to settle their claims. I’m going to share with you some insights from working on a couple of cases that will give you the inside info.


I work with art conservators all the time who work on smoke damaged items in their art conservation labs (Click Here for a quick video tour). I am often hired by insurance companies which deal with fine art claims. My job is to assess smoke damage to heirlooms, collectibles, antiques, keepsakes and memorabilia etc. when the owners of these articles file a claim. I’ve traveled as far as 1000 miles to look over damage and help settle the claim on smoke damage.


Below are two smoke damage fine arts policy cases I handled. I hope this throws some light on ways to protect your collectibles and to look ahead at how you can be prepared in order to make appropriate claims if needs be. Those who collect and love their antiques, delicate furnishing, collectibles, family history and heirlooms etc. will for sure benefit from this article.

Chartis Asks: Is Smoke Damage Possible From 40 miles Away?

A short time ago I was asked to evaluate the fine finishes (gilding) and the artwork in an important estate in Los Angeles which claimed over $1/2 million damage. The prestigious property had a policy with Chartis (previously known as Chubb Insurance Company) and filed a claim for smoke damage to their frames, sculptures, fine arts, murals and gilt surfaces etc. due to the smoke from a fire that took place 40 miles away and 2 years previously! Chartis assigned me to assess whether the articles were actually damaged by smoke or not.


In this case it was obvious that over the past two years lots of dust particles had settled on these articles as compared to possible smoke deposits from 2 years back thereby contaminating the possible evidence. (one important tip, don’t wait but file the claim while the event is recent for the best considerations and handling of your claim, Another tip: document the irrefutable damage as soon as it happens.. it will be your proof!). With the help of expensive scientific analysis, the amount of dust deposits and smoke could have been estimated separately. But, they asked me to drop the test as it would have cost them more than a $1000. And if many multiples of test sampled had been required the analysis could have been many $1,000s. In any case, I had an art conservator to come in an give me back up for a thorough inspection.

Smoke damage?

In the entry, there were 5 vaulted ceilings similar to this one, except the crown moldings were in gold leaf.


I read the fine art insurance claim documentation very carefully which included 10 pages of detailed descriptions about the different items and finishes which were claimed to have been subjected to smoke deposits and corrosion. As I walked through the house inspecting the items, the claimant gave me the red carpet tour of the entire estate and explained to me the damages which he had noticed. According to him the gilt finishes had suffered a change in color due to smoke but, I didn’t agree with his argument. Besides the gilt items being coated with a protected lacquer, the finish’s surfaces appeared to simply vary in their types of finishes and I did not consider them as alterations.


Perhaps the owner had forgotten the appearances of the various finishes in the house and now was noticing details for the first time with the closer inspections? This kind of confusion is pretty common in claims for damage. This becomes a topic for debate between the claimant and the insurance company.


In the end, I was not in favor of the claimant’s point of view. After careful inspection of all articles and their finishes I completed my report stating clearly that there were no alterations in the colors and finishes. Therefore Chubb Insurance Company didn’t pay out on this fine arts damage claim.


In another case, however, Chubb faced another claim worth $500K for a painting damaged in storage. After checking the painting thoroughly I recommended Chubb not allow the claim. But still, the company immediately paid the claim to the claimant. Later I realized that the claimant was a major customer to the company and had plenty of collections, properties, toys and boats etc. insured with them. This incident showed that as per their business interests and not merely on their principles, the insurance companies may disallow or settle the claims. (Tip: Having all your insurance needs handled by the same company may give you leverage when it comes to a settlement)



However, such business decisions are not really my problem. My duty is to report back on the actual conditions of the claims accurately and I do this as an advocate of the artwork. I do not alter my opinion based on who is paying me (the insurance company, or the claimant). This gives me credibility as an expert witness on art related matters and when I have to appear as a legal testimony in court.


Next Example: Allstate Insurance Company

In this incident of smoke damage, the insurance company did everything possible, voluntarily to help their customer with this claim.


As you may be aware, huge fast moving fires can be very fickle and sometimes consume one house while leaving the house next to it. Such was the case with this family’s house. While the fire burned everything all around the house, it “only” filled the house with heavy smoke.


In this case, the Allstate Insurance set an example for all the other insurance companies as to how they should act with the intention of protecting the client’s interests. As the victims were under mental stress and trauma, these policy holders were unable to file the smoke damage claim for their collectibles, family history items and keepsakes, heirlooms, etc. Even after a whole year passed they had not yet filed a claim. Still, the insurance company kept all options open and was waiting for them to address the issues of family keepsakes.


As an expert in the preservation and saving of treasured family items from smoke damage I brought in Scott M. Haskins, author of “How To Save Your Stuff From A Disaster” and owner of Fine Art Conservation Laboratories (FACL, Inc.).  His company acted as the coordinator between the claimants and the insurance company. They gave all the possible help to the affected people in preparing their claims. They helped the client prepare a complete list of keepsakes and collectibles together with photographs and helped them to complete the claim making procedure. They also recommended special treatments for articles such as drawings, sculpture, photo albums, rare books and artworks etc. which must never be cleaned with industrial products. They made a list of around 550 various items including photos, paintings, antiques, books, furniture and statues etc. All these objects were damaged by smoke.


FACL Inc. performed the evaluation and gave the report and assessment to help file the claim. Once the formalities were completed between the insured and the insurance company, they helped the claimants in the conservation of articles by getting rid of the smoke smell & deposits.


An appraiser was also consulted for the contents valuations & fine art appraisals of the items when these were required by the insurance company (



To conclude, here are 5 important tips to file a fine art policy claim of smoke damages:

1. All the important documentation of the collectible’s records must be copied and kept in another location away from the collection. Online storage is a good option but remember to inquire about personal information security. To make this point, here is the short video of an interview with a woman that suffered a house fire:

2. Since items made of metal corrodes very quickly by ash and smoke, immediate action must be taken.

3. Insurance agents should be informed right away and with the proper documentation.

4. Always hire a true professional when it comes to cleaning the artworks and antiques etc. Don’t allow general house cleaners and disaster response clean up companies to clean them.

5. To avoid errors while filing the claim, ask the experts for help in order to determine the degree of damages.


Give Scott Haskins a call for a free chat: 805 564 3438 office, 805 570 4140 mobile

Gena Dillon, Disaster Response Coordinator 805 564 3438

For art appraisal questions? Call Richard Holgate 805 895 5121 mobile

Even though the heirloom painting was a throw away because of the extensive smoke damage, according to the owner, he was elated that the cleaning brought it back to its original condition.



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Disneyland's Haunted House Portrait Paintings Saved and Restored

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Scott M. Haskins, Head of Conservation





Are you aware that Disneyland has five Haunted Mansions worldwide?? You can go through this super-popular amusement ride at Disney World, Disneyland Anaheim, Tokyo Disneyland, Disneyland Paris and Hong Kong Disneyland.


The Haunted Mansion at Disneyland Anaheim


The Winchester Family home (of Winchester Firearms fame) in San Jose, California, was the inspiration for the design of the ride. But, New Orleans culture and style inspired the Disneyland Anaheim mansion's look and feel.


The home is known for its huge size and Victorian architectural oddities. It is believed to be haunted by the ghosts of those killed by Winchester rifles which the family business manufactured.


The original 2 Disneyland designers disagreed on how the haunted mansion concept would be built. One wanted it to be funny, while the other wanted it to be scary. In the end, the two themes were combined... and I'm pleased to see that it's more entertaining than terrifying.


Disneyland Anaheim opened the first haunted house August 9, 1969 and, as you can imagine, there have been renovations in the last 56 years. In fact there have been renovations at all of the haunted houses as technology has developed.


During my earlier years of growing up, my father was an elementary school district superintendent in Anaheim, California. All of the local schools used to get discounted access to Disneyland once a year, plus there must’ve been other promotional programs also because as a child from very young through my teenage years we would go to Disneyland at least a couple of times a year. I remember one weekend where we went all three days on single day passes. I remember a Christmas Day we went to Disneyland and the amusement park was empty so all we did was run from one ride to another, getting on immediately! Not only was the haunted house one of the new attractions 16 years after the amusement park opened, it has persisted as one of the most popular attractions in the park.

The four family portraits that would appear to stretch or grow from 4' to 10'

You'll remember, that when you enter the attraction of the Haunted Mansion, the story of the hauntings begins and the floor imperceptibly lowers, magically expanding the height of the room. As the room becomes hauntingly taller, the four portraits of demised family members on the walls are apparently stretched from about 4 feet to 10 feet tall, changing the appearance from a pretty picture of a mansion's family member to a gruesome or "edgy" funny image. This is the introduction to the Haunted Mansion before you get into the seats of the moving ride.


About 10 years ago, we were approached by an art dealer in the Los Angeles area who had what he thought were all four of these famous original portrait paintings. Apparently, they had been discarded as part of a renovation. All four of these paintings were original oil paintings. We cleaned and varnished them and mounted the paintings so they would be stable, framed and displayed. It was really a nostalgic thrill to have them come into the lab and be responsible for their preservation as a piece of American culture. It was really fun to have them under our care for a while. Of course, when anyone visiting us at the lab saw them, they would always lapse into an enthusiastic story-telling of when they were a kid... Click here to see what fun artwork we have in the lab now!


You can imagine how surprised we were about a month ago when I got a call from the Las Vegas area. The family's grandfather had been the chief electrician at Disneyland Anaheim, who serviced the Haunted Mansion. During his employment there, as they shut down the attraction for renovation and began demolishing certain parts, the workers threw into the trash the paintings previously mentioned! The family’s father could not bear to see these iconic paintings discarded so unceremoniously. So he rolled 2 of them up and took them home where they have been in storage, rolled up like maps, for decades.


The two portraits that the head electrician saved from the trash

The children and grandchildren now are interested in having the paintings look their best so they can display them and continue to tell the funny stories that accompany their grandfather‘s work there. Checking online, they also discovered that these same images from other Disneyland Haunted Houses have come up at auction over the years and have brought up to $150,000 each!


So, once again, we are thrilled to have under our care. the preservation and restoration of two more of the paintings from the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland Anaheim.


The two paintings were stabilized, so that any flaking was stopped; they were also relaxed on a warming table so that all the cracks and distortions would lie flat; they were, of course, cleaned and very carefully touched up if there was paint missing. They received several coats of archival varnish that doesn’t yellow and new frames were built that were reproduced from photos in the Haunted Manson. What fun to see them preserved and looking great for future generations! We're going to redeliver them to the family in a couple of weeks... they are going to go NUTS with excitement!!!!

At the easel for "inpainting"

Questions about your paintings, heirlooms and family history items? Call Scott Haskins 805 570
4140 or 805 564 3438 office Also, go to


After restoration

F.A.R.M.: Fostering Ag Resilience through Mentorship

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Fresh Harvest 365, provides hands-on career experience for underserved communities while filling an industry need for ag talent.


Most days, you’ll find Pat Morgan in the field. He and the other scientists on his team dedicate a lot of time and resources to counting plants, measuring their development and productivity, and taking tissue samples.


Afterall, the seeds they plant – being tested in the ground for the first time – are contenders for a coveted spot in the lineup for the company’s Breeding, Biologics, and plant Biotechnology pipelines.


Tracking data on a ‘per plant’ basis, with every single seed followed throughout its life cycle, is no small effort: “This year we ran 55,000 plots, and we’re collecting a little over 3 million data points,” Pat said. “It takes an army to get this work done, and you need to have some level of knowledge going in to really be effective.”


A new initiative offers a unique solution to bringing more skilled ag workers to the field. Bayer is collaborating with St. Louis startup company, Fresh Harvest 365, as part of a new F.A.R.M. (Fostering Ag Resilience Through Mentorship) program.


F.A.R.M. pulls students from diverse backgrounds in St. Louis and from several regional universities into an apprenticeship program, which includes 210 hours of e-learning courses and 3,000 hours of on-the-job training in agriculture. The on- the-job training portion of the apprenticeship was a perfect fit for Bayer.


F.A.R.M. program apprentices in the field in Monmouth IL.


During summer 2024, a F.A.R.M. pilot involved about 30 students from diverse backgrounds who were hired as apprentices at the Bayer Crop Science Jerseyville and Monmouth, Illinois, and Chesterfield, Missouri, locations. Several St. Louis non-profit organizations also joined the pilot to provide additional support such as transportation, housing, mentoring, and workplace readiness.


The program offered invaluable experience to the students, according to Jennifer Becker, who initiated Bayer’s collaboration with FreshHarvest365. “The apprentices worked side-by-side in the field with Ph.D.-level scientists, collecting phenotype data and learning from them,” she said.


The program also has been a benefit to Bayer, solving the annual challenge of finding seasonal workers who have the ag background and interest to be most effective. “The hires from Fresh Harvest come to us with ag training and an interest in making agriculture a career field,” Pat said.


The St. Louis University City School District recently introduced an Ag Program track to its curriculum. Thanks in part to awareness generated by the F.A.R.M. pilot, enrollment in the Ag track for the 2024/25 school year increased from about 16 students to nearly 100 students. Several other school districts with similar demographics would like to follow suit with ag programming options for their students.


In January 2025, Bayer will expand its offerings, including bringing around 40 local community college students to its Urbandale, Iowa, and Whitestown, Indiana, facilities.


Following the success of the pilot, the team expects to expand regionally into a broader vision “IM IIN,” which aims to open opportunities in the states of Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, Iowa and Nebraska by the end of 2025. Fresh Harvest has initiated conversations with Iowa State University and University of Nebraska- Lincoln about expansion opportunities with possible placement at Bayer facilities.


Jennifer is proud to see how quickly Bayer’s collaboration with FreshHarvest365 has grown.


“I have almost 30 years with the company, and it is certainly a highlight of my career,” Jennifer said. “It is heartwarming to be involved in something that has such huge impact for our organization and for the students, providing new ways for our organization to work with the community and to support the next generation of ag leaders.”


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Anti Tarnish Jewellery for Women - AmbicaIndia

By // No comments: : #antitarnishjewellerywomen, #antitarnishjewellery, Jewelry is more than an accessory; it is a symbol of personal style, memories and milestones. Whether it’s a sparkling diamond ring, a delicate gold necklace or a treasured family heirloom, keeping your jewelry in pristine condition is vital. In this jewelry care guide, we’ll share 10 expert tips to help you care for your precious jewels and ensure they always sparkle.

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Jewish Funeral Services on Long Island – JMChapels

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Walking the Grief Road: Finding Healing Beyond Funerals

The period following a funeral is often marked by a profound sense of loss and the complex emotions that accompany grief. As we work to come to terms with the death of a loved one, it is critical to navigate the grief journey with compassion, self-awareness, and the recognition that healing is a very personal process. In this exploration, we delve into the post-funeral phase, shedding light on strategies for processing grief and finding comfort after the loss of a loved one.


1. Embrace all emotions

Grief is a multifaceted experience that encompasses a range of emotions from sadness and anger to confusion and even relief. Giving yourself permission to feel and express these emotions without judging is crucial. Everyone’s journey through grief is unique, and acknowledging the complexity of these feelings is a critical step in healing.


2. Seek support from loved ones

After the funeral, the support of friends and family becomes a vital pillar. Surrounding yourself with understanding and compassionate people can bring comfort and a sense of connection. Sharing memories, expressing feelings, or simply being with people you care about can ease the burden of grief and create a supportive environment.


3. Professional Counseling and Grief Support Groups

Sometimes the burden of grief requires the guidance of a professional counselor or participation in a grief support group. A trained therapist can provide tools for coping with loss and offer a safe space for individuals to explore their emotions. Support groups, whether in person or online, allow grievers to connect with others going through similar experiences, fostering a sense of understanding and shared strength.


4. Remember the dead

Finding meaningful ways to honor the deceased can be therapeutic and comforting during the grieving process. Creating a memorial, attending a charity event, or participating in a ceremony that was significant to a loved one can be a way to maintain a connection and celebrate the impact they had on our lives.


5. Establish a memorial ceremony

Rituals play a vital role in the post-funeral period, providing structure and continuity during times of profound change. Establishing a personal memorial ritual, such as lighting candles, visiting a memorial site, or taking specific time for reflection, can create moments of solace and express ongoing love and connection.


6. Commemorate milestones and anniversaries

Anniversaries and milestones can trigger waves of grief as time passes. Acknowledging these moments and finding ways to honor them can be a means of healing. Whether through quiet reflection, shared activities, or creating a memorial, recognizing these milestones can integrate grief into the ongoing narrative of life.


7. Make time for self-care

When going through grief, self-care becomes an integral aspect of the healing process. Taking time to prioritize your physical, emotional, and mental health is crucial. Whether through rest, movement, creative activity, or simple quiet contemplation, self-care can lay the foundation for resilience and strength in the face of loss.


Exploring the Uncharted Territory of Grief - Jewish Funeral Service Long Island

The period after a funeral is a time of challenge and change. Navigating the uncharted territory of grief requires patience, self-compassion, and the recognition that healing is an ongoing process. By accepting complex emotions, seeking support, and finding personalized ways to honor and remember the person who has passed, individuals can move on with strength and gradually transform grief into lasting love and cherished memories.


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Law Office of Ronald D Weiss - Mortgage Modifications

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When financial hardship strikes, paying off your mortgage can feel like an uphill battle. For Long Island homeowners, the prospect of losing their home to foreclosure is a real and pressing issue. However, there is a lifeline that can change everything: loan modification.


The purpose of a loan modification is to help you keep your home by changing the terms of your mortgage so that the payments are cheaper. Let’s take a closer look at how Long Island loan modification works, why it’s so important, and how expert services can save your property.


What is a mortgage modification?

A mortgage modification is a change to the original terms of your mortgage agreement that is negotiated between you and your lender. What is the goal? Usually by adjusting the interest rate, loan term or principal to make your monthly payments more manageable.


It can help with Ronald D Weiss

·         Lower monthly payments

·         Preventing Foreclosure

·         Providing financial breathing space

Unlike a refinance, a loan modification does not require you to qualify for a new loan. Instead, it focuses on reformulating existing loans based on your financial difficulties.


Why Long Island Homeowners Need Loan Modifications

Homeowners on Long Island face unique challenges. With higher-than-average property values ​​and tax rates, it’s easy to fall behind on payments if unexpected expenses occur. Common reasons for seeking a loan modification include:


·         Loss of income: Losing your job or income can put a strain on your finances.

·         Medical expenses: Unplanned medical expenses may take precedence over mortgage payments.

·         Rising interest rates: Adjustable-rate mortgages can cause payments to surge.

·         Divorce or separation: Dividing family finances can be stressful.

If not addressed, these issues can lead to mortgage default and ultimately foreclosure. Loan modification offers you a lifeline to regain control of your financial future.


How does the loan modification process work?

Assess your financial situation:

A detailed review of your income, expenses, and debts can help determine eligibility.

·         To submit a hardship letter:

Lenders require proof of financial hardship, usually in the form of a letter explaining your situation.

·         Provide the necessary documents:

Typical requests include pay stubs, tax returns, and bank statements.

·         Negotiate terms with your lender:

A professional loan modification service will negotiate on your behalf to ensure you get the best terms possible.

·         Approval and Adjustment:

Once approved, the new terms will be implemented and your payments will become more manageable.


Advantages of Professional Loan Modification Services with Ronald D Weiss

The loan modification process can be tedious. Expert services simplify the process and ensure better outcomes. Here’s how:

·         In-depth knowledge: Professionals understand lender policies and state regulations.

·         Negotiate effectively: They advocate for terms that are favorable to you.

·         Minimize errors: Accurate paperwork reduces delays.

·         Faster Results: Experienced professionals streamline the process, saving you time and stress.


Why Choose Long Island Loan Modification Experts?

If you are facing mortgage default on Long Island, it is crucial to choose a reliable loan modification service. With expertise in loan modification, bankruptcy, and foreclosure defense, the Law Office of Ronald D. Weiss, P.C., is a trusted partner in saving your property.


Key benefits:

·         Extensive Experience: Over 30 years helping distressed homeowners.

·         Comprehensive service: from negotiation to documentation, every step is covered.

·         Local Knowledge: In-depth knowledge of Long Island's real estate market.


Common Misconceptions About Loan Modification

“I’m going to lose my home in the process.”

·         Wrong. Most lenders will suspend foreclosure proceedings while loan modification negotiations are ongoing.

“It’s impossible to get approval.”

·         With proper documentation and expert assistance, approval rates increase significantly.

“It’s the same as refinancing.”

·         no. Loan modifications alter existing terms, while refinancing involves replacing the loan entirely.


Signs You Should Consider Modifying Your Loan

Not sure if a loan modification is right for you? Please note the following warnings:

·         You frequently default on your mortgage payments.

·         You have received a foreclosure notice.

·         Your mortgage payments exceed 30% of your monthly income.

·         You’ve suffered a major financial setback.

·         Addressing these issues early can save you from losing your home.


Tips for a Successful Loan Modification

·         Transparency: Provide accurate and complete financial information.

·         Timely Communication: Respond quickly to lender requests.

·         Seek expert assistance: Work with professional services to achieve better results.

·         Persistence: This process may take time, but persistence will pay off.


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